The wakame, whose scientific name is Undaria pinnatifida, is a brown algae of Eastern origin, rich in the carotenoid Fucoxantin. Recent studies have highlighted how this carotenoid can reduce the amount of white adipose tissue, which is located especially in the abdominal area, and stimulating the protein UCP1, it boosts the thermogenesis.
Thermogenesis and activation of the metabolism
Termorosa is a natural remedy that stimulates the metabolism, increasing the thermogenesis and favoring the burning of fats from the adipose tissue. It is a natural food supplement that favors the growth of the lean body mass and provides higher levels of energy.
Citrus, Fucus and Guarana stimulate the metabolism of lipid. Coleus, Wakame, Citrus, Fucus and Guarana help to balance body weight. The chromium contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients.
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