It is a shrub native of India, used in the Indian traditional medicine. Its active principles consist of alkaloids, and it has an anti-allergic effect. Furthermore, it decreases the activity of the histamines, reducing the onset and the lifespan of the allergic symptoms, also at a bronchial level.
Allergy treatment and prevention
Istaben is a natural remedy whose components contribute to prevent and relieve allergic symptoms and to ensure a quick recovery.
Natural supplement that relieves allergic type disorders as rhinitis, conjunctivitis and watery, asthma and cough , and that balances the immune system. Suitable for all types of allergies.
The active ingredients contained in Istaben help to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, relieve allergic type disorders and decrease the inflammatory processes associated with these.
For preventive use take at least 1 month before the onset of symptoms typical of seasonal allergies. Supplement also suitable for children thanks to the opening capsules if necessary.
Does not induce drowsiness.
Adaptogen long pepper. Picrorhiza promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions. Plantain for the functionality of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the respiratory system. It has emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa.
With Boswellia (incense) and Uncaria.
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