Anselmo Benassi gets the degree in pharmacy
It was 1957 when Anselmo Benassi got his degree in Pharmacy at Parma University. He immediately started to put his knowledge into practice, gaining experience and becoming an expert. His true passion and professional commitment drove him to Phytotherapy and Galenical preparations. Anselmo Benassi was ahead of his time becoming a true expert in natural medicine and studying new phytotherapic formulations.
The first step towards independence
At the beginning of the 90s, Anselmo Benassi fulfilled the dream of his youth: he set up his own business and worked as an advisor setting up and managing many pharmaceuticals laboratories in Milan and its surroundings. He changed his role but not the philosophy under his job: employing a variety of plants and combine them to give a more comprehensive and synergistic action of their properties.
The foundation of Fitoben
When you are determined, you can realize your dreams. So, in 1994 Anselmo Benassi founds Fitoben, a Phytotherapic laboratory in Milan. Fitoben produces a line of 80 plant based supplements and a line of natural cosmetics.
The second Benassi generation
Anselmo Benassi’s passion for his profession is so deep he passes it on to his daughter Emanuela. With a degree in Pharmacy, like her father, she joined the family business in 1995 and followed Fitoben traditions: excellent raw materials and well-balanced formulations.
A renovated factory for Fitoben
The new challenge for Fitoben is to keep a high-quality standard and to satisfy the increasing market request. A challenge successfully won thanks to the renovation of the entire production process. Fitoben supplements are still natural, but, thanks to the implementation of the production process and the research on manufacturing process, the quality standard for the whole range of products is certified. The new machineries are semiautomatic in order to have a better control of the dry herbal extracts manufacturing, permitting to use a higher concentration of them. The development of the production lines and of the labelling process makes Fitoben a modern and reliable partner also for outsourcing.
The Exalux line
In 2009 the new Exalux line is added to the traditional Fitoben one, it is a new range of herbal products, synthesis between human and natural world. The Exalux line amplifies Fitoben range of products in association with an energetic and innovative philosophy.
The supplements company is now well-known and appreciated on the Italian market. With the leadership of Anselmo and Emanuela Benassi and the support of a team of specialists, working each day with passion and adding research and innovation to the traditional formulations, the highest quality standards are guaranteed. 2014 is the year of the new online shop and the launch of a new line of natural and organic cosmetics. To go forward with the values that have characterized Fitoben since its establishment.
April 2018: Fitoben moves to the new factory in Via Regina Teodolinda, a wide and modern space where it obtains the authorization to prepare and sell ORGANIC SUPPLEMENTS.
Fitoben turns 25
Fitoben turns 25 with the intention of consistently growing and improving in the future.
New Web Site
The Fitoben site is updated with a new graphic design and a lots of news!