Nutroxsun® is an exclusive extract composed of rosemary leaves and grapefruit fruits grown in Spain and titrated to 35% polyphenols, designed to protect skin and skin annexes from the damage of solar radiation. Prolonged exposure to solar radiation can induce inflammation and erythema, often behind the formation of spots or photodermatitis. Phenolic, diterpenic and flavonoid compounds contained in rosemary and grapefruit act in a complementary and synergistic way to counteract the negative effects of solar radiation on the skin: they prevent and reduce photoinduced oxidation, ageing, inflammation and erythema following sun exposure.
Clinical studies have shown a decrease in redness and erythema after exposure to the sun from the first day of intake and a reduction in individual susceptibility to sunburn with prolonged use. There has also been an increase in antioxidant activity and protection from UVA and UVB.
The daily intake of NutroxSun® has been shown to reduce the depth of wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.