Treatment of high blood sugar or hyperglycemia
Treatment high blood sugar or hyperglycemia is a package in promotion consisting of 2 packs of Metaglucid ː, natural remedy whose components help regulate blood sugar and hyperglycemia, act favorably on carbohydrate metabolism by keeping body weight under control and contribute to maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Recommended for reduced glucose tolerance and metabolic syndrome. Also ideal for preventive purposes for overweight people, with an excess of fat in the abdominal area and/ or from 55 years.
The active ingredients contained in Metaglucid <, natural food supplement, help regulate glycemia. Gymnema, Momordica, Gelso and Cinnamon act favorably on the metabolism carbohydrates. Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal levels of glucose in the blood. Gymnema silvestre: decreases the desire for sugars as it suppresses the perception of sweet taste and reduces the absorption of glucose in the intestine. Scientific studies have shown a lowering of blood sugar in subjects with glycemic dysfunction both insulin dependent and not.
Momordica charantia: or bitter melon, contains bitter principles, including charantina, which have a hypoglycemic effect. The studies showed a particular effectiveness in decreasing serum blood sugar and an improvement in glucose tolerance.
White mulberry: contains sugar mimetic substances, such as deoxinojirimycin, able to inhibit alpha-glucosidase and other enzymes of glucose metabolism such as maltase, Sucrasi and trealase, which decrease glucose absorption. It also reduces the increase in post-prandial glycemic values, with a decrease in appetite and a stabilization of body weight.
Cinnamon: spice used for centuries, both as a flavoring in the kitchen and for its therapeutic properties. Among its many properties, its main function, confirmed by numerous studies, is to lower blood sugar; it has an effect similar to that of insulin, with action on hyperglycemia and type II diabetes. It also affects postprandial blood sugar. It is also useful to improve fat metabolism, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
Banaba: or Lagerstroemia, is a plant native to Asia. The main responsible for the therapeutic effect is corosolic acid that stimulates the transport of glucose within the cells. Clinical studies on patients with type II diabetes have confirmed the hypoglycemic effect of the plant that would persist up to a month after the suspension of treatment.
- Shanmugasundaram ER, Rajeswari G, Baskaran K, et al. Use of Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract in the control of blood glucose in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J Ethnopharmacol 1990; 30:281-94).
- Efird JT, et al. Potential for improved glycemic control with dietary Momordica charantia in patients with insulin resistance and pre-diabetes. Int J Environ res Public Health 2014, 11,2328-45.
- Gupta Jain S, Puri S, Misra A, et al. Effect of oral cinnamon intervention on metabolic profile and body composition of Asian indians with metabolic syndrome: a randomized double-blind control trial. 2017 Lipid Health Dis Jun 12;16(1):113.
- Liu F et al An extract of Lagerstroemia speciose L. has insulin-like glucose uptake-stimulatory and adipocyte differentiation-inhibitory activities on 3T3-L1 cells. 2001 J Nutr 131(9):2242-7.
- Hwan Hwang S, Mei Li H, Sung Lim S, et al. Evaluation of a standardized extract from Morus alba against α-glucosidase inhibitory effect and postprandial antihyperglycemic in patients with impaired glucose tolerance: a randomized double-blind clinical trial. 2016 Evidence-based Comp and Alter.Med. Article ID8983232.
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