A natural remedy bundle useful to strengthen bones and increase the absorption of Calcium and Phosphorus that includes:;
2 packs of KD Osteo, a supplement that helps in preventing osteoporosis, against bone mass lost and skeletal frailty.
Suitable for men, women during pre and post menopause and for all at-risk subjects.
With Vitamin K2 or menaquinone extracted from Natto, a fermented Japanese food.
Known for its anti-hemorrhagic function and because it activates clotting factors, in recent years new clinical studies supported its role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. It improves mineral density of the bones diminishing the risk of fractures and has a protective effect against the calcification of arterial walls. It helps to increase bone mineralization. Vitamin K2 has obtained better results than vitamin K1.
Vitamin K2 = 100 mcg
With Vitamin D3 or colecalciferol from natural origins. Vitamin D3 is found in milk and in animal fats and could be synthetized in our skin from sun radiations. However, not always, for climatic, environmental or dietetic reasons, the synthesis from the sun or the food intake is enough to cover its need. This vitamin is necessary for a correct skeletal development and for bone mineralization. It facilitates calcium absorption and phosphorus absorption in the bowel, it also reduces calcium loss in the kidney. A deficiency can lead to rickets in children and to a bone demineralization or to osteomalacia in adults and in elderly.
D3 vitamin = 2000 IU
Horsetail and Boron have a re-mineralizing function and they facilitate Calcium absorption in the bones.
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