
The Angelica is a plant that is useful to reduce inflammations and spasms of the smooth muscles of the bowel and uterus. It also has eupeptic and stomachic effects, improving digestion and reducing gastric acidity. It is a mood enhancer and it helps against stressful situations. It improves circulation because it reduces blood pressure and increases blood flow to peripheral vessels. It helps the liver to use more oxygen, facilitating its activity.



Coliben is a natural remedy that facilitates the normal function of the gastric mucosa and decreases the tension and the spasms of the intestinal muscles. Natural food supplement, useful in case of colitis  or gastritis, also those caused by stress. It calms and soothes the digestive system.

Lemon balm, Angelica and Chamomile for the digestive function. Lemon balm and Chamomile for the normal gastrointestinal motility and for the elimination of gases. Chamomile, Aloe and Mallow have a soothing effect on the digestive system.

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Original price was: €24,00.Current price is: €21,60.

Exalux line - Lymphatic system

Exalinfa is a natural remedy with Tabebuia for the normal depurative functions of the body, Sweet Clover for the draining of body fluids, Angelica for normal blood circulation, Tabebuia and Whitania for the natural defences of the body. With Sodium citrate.

Exalinfa natural supplement to take in association with Exacor A, Exacor B and Exavita in case you want to do a full annual cycle. We recommend 1 month of use corresponding to a package.

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