The nettle contains phytosterols, triterpene acids, lignans and phenylpropanes. It improves the prostatic functionality and counteracts alopecia because it inhibits the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, that reduces the conversion of the testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and antagonizes the bond of the DHT with the receptors of the androgens into the prostatic cells. The anti-androgen effect exerts directly on the tissues, without disturbing the general hormones balance. It interacts with the globulin bound to the sexual hormones (SHBG) and counteracts several mediators of the inflammation. Clinical trials highlighted a sharp increase of the urinary volume and flow, an improvement of the bladder functionality, a reduction of the inflammatory processes and an improvement of the alopecia.
Exalux line - Reproductive system
Exagen is a natural remedy with Nettle for prostate function, Spirea, Nettle and Tribulus for urinary function. It also contains Calendula, Evening primrose and Vitamin E.
Exagen natural supplement to take in association with Exacor A, Exacor B and Exavita in case you want to do a full annual cycle. We recommend 1 month of use corresponding to a package.
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With Millet and Nettle
3 months of treatment that helps in hair grow with 3 pieces of Triben D natural supplement in promotion!
The treatment is against hair loss and alopecia in young women and will last for 3 months (minimum period suggested).
It helps in fighting against hair loss and helps the maintenance and the recovery of a stressed scalp. It gives strength and volume. New formulation with Annurca apple and Red clover.
Millet and Nettle facilitate the health of hair and nails
Prosben is a natural remedy whose components promote the normal functionality of the prostate, specific for man.
Thanks to the activity of its natural active ingredients, it helps to counteract disorders due to prostate dysfunction. In fact, it prevents and reduces the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, counteracts the thickening of the prostate wall, improves urinary disorders and bladder function, reduces inflammatory processes and edematosis.
It only acts locally without disturbing the overall hormonal balance.
Saw Palmetto, Nettle and Tomato to improve the functionality of the prostate. Saw Palmetto, Nettle and Cranberry help the functionality of urinary tract and the draining of liquids.
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Hair loss in young women
Triben D® natural remedy to prevent and combat hair loss. Thanks to the new formulation with Annurca Apple rich in polyphenols and Clover for the intake of plant phytoestrogens, it is even more effective in promoting hair regrowth and the decrease of inflammatory processes of the scalp. The active ingredients contained also improve the problems due to alopecia, also promote the maintenance and recovery of stressed scalp, giving volume and strength. Finally, they only act locally, without disturbing the general hormonal balance.
Natural supplement particularly suitable for young women.
New formulation with Annurca apple and Red clover.
Millet and Nettle facilitate the health of hair and nails
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Hair loss in men
Triben M®, natural remedy whose components prevent and contrast hair loss and promote regrowth. It also reduces inflammatory processes and edematosis and acts only locally, without disturbing the general hormonal balance. Finally, the active ingredients contained make hair healthier and have antioxidant function.
Active natural supplement in case of male alopecia.
Nettle for the well-being of nails and hair. With Serenoa repens, pumpkin seeds and tomato titrated in lycopene.
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And if you reach 100 euros of spending, you have an additional 10% discount